Copons school has got 75 years old . Four years ago there were 32 pupils but now there are 18 .
There are 2 teachers and 2 groups with children of different ages . In Anna’s class there are 9 pupils: there are 2 pupils of P3 , 3 pupils of P4 and 4 pupils of 2nd grade. Jordi’s class also has got 9 pupils: 3 pupils of 3rd grade, 2pupils of 4th grade , 1 pupilof 5th grade and 3 pupils of 6th grade .
We learn doing experiments and projects but each class work on a different project at this momment. The youngest children and working on plants and the oldest children at working on Catalonia .
We only make 3 excursions during school yesr and the last excursion was Cosmo Caixa .
Altough the bulding is very old the school is great.